
Welcome to the heart of Benidorm’s old town, where history and modernity seamlessly blend together. As you take a leisurely stroll down Calle Gambo, you’ll find yourself immersed in the vibrant energy of this bustling street. Filled with charming local shops and bustling cafes, this area truly captures the essence of Benidorm’s local flair. Join us as we explore the best of what Calle Gambo has to offer. At one end of Calle Gambo you will find Placa Triangular at the other Av. de Martinez Alejos.

Discovering the Charm of Calle Gambo

As you wander through the winding streets of Benidorm’s old town, you can’t help but be captivated by the unique charm of Calle Gambo. This bustling street is a true testament to the rich history and vibrant culture of the area. It’s a wide pedestrianised area where every way you turn reveals something new and exciting, beckoning you to explore further.

One of the first things you’ll notice about Calle Gambo is the plethora of shops. From boutique clothing stores to artisanal craft shops, taking in High Street names such as Zara, Massimo Dutti and Pandora there’s something to cater to every taste and interest. It’s a shopper’s paradise, and you’ll find yourself irresistibly drawn to the display windows, eager to uncover hidden treasures.

But it’s not just the shops that make Calle Gambo special. The street is also home to some of the best cafes and restaurants in Benidorm. As you take a break from your shopping spree, you can indulge in delicious Mediterranean cuisine or simply sip a cup of coffee while people-watching. The lively atmosphere and friendly locals create an ambience that is truly unmatched.

In the heart of Benidorm’s old town, Calle Gambo exudes a charm that is truly enchanting. As you explore its hidden nooks and crannies, you’ll uncover a world of history, culture, and local flair that will leave you wanting more. Whether you’re a shopaholic, a food lover, or simply a curious explorer, Calle Gambo has something for everyone. So come, discover the charm of this magical street and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Savouring the Tastes: Top Cafes on Calle Gambo

Embark on a delightful culinary expedition along Calle Gambo, where a diverse selection of top-notch cafes eagerly awaits your arrival. From authentic Spanish delicacies to international flavours, this vibrant street ensures there’s a delectable treat for every discerning palate.

One such gem is Santagloria – a personal favourite. The allure of this place lies not only in its consistently excellent coffee, a characteristic shared by many establishments in Benidorm but also in its extensive array of savoury offerings. While you can find the familiar classics here, Santagloria adds its own unique touch to make the experience truly memorable.

Santagloria bakery and coffee shop on Calle Gambo

The former Pinocchio has transformed into the enticing Iberico Experience, though it remains uncertain whether it is a continuation of the previous venture or an entirely new endeavour. Inside, the cafe boasts a contemporary and chic ambience after undergoing a complete refurbishment. Specializing in Iberico ham, cheese, and wine, Iberico Experience also presents a delightful coffee selection. This establishment offers an ideal setting to leisurely observe the world passing by while relishing local culinary delights.

Iberico Experience

On a different note, Belauga, a petite traditional cafe, may appear a tad worn around the edges. While it faithfully serves all the expected fare of a typical Benidorm cafe, it regrettably lacks the distinctive charm found in more exceptional culinary establishments.

Retail Therapy: Navigating Calle Gambo’s Diverse Shopping Scene

Embark on a retail paradise as you step into the enchanting shopping haven of Calle Gambo in Benidorm’s old town. This lively street caters to the dreams of any shopaholic, boasting an eclectic array of local boutiques and unique stores that cater to a variety of styles and tastes.

As you traverse the length of Calle Gambo, a plethora of hidden treasures unfolds before you. From chic clothing boutiques showcasing the latest trends to artisanal craft shops, the diversity of the shopping scene is truly remarkable. Fashion enthusiasts will revel in boutique stores offering unique pieces not found elsewhere.

For those in search of something truly special, artisanal craft shops along the street offer handmade jewellery, intricate ceramics, and one-of-a-kind artwork by local talents. These shops reflect Benidorm’s rich artistic culture, providing an opportunity to take home a distinctive souvenir.

Calle Gambo’s shopping extravaganza extends beyond fashion and art. It’s a shopper’s utopia, featuring everything from local delicacies to distinctive home decor items.

Navigating this diverse shopping landscape on Calle Gambo is an adventure in itself. Exploring charming stores and engaging with friendly shopkeepers not only yields unique treasures but also creates memorable experiences. So, armed with your shopping bags, prepare to immerse yourself in a delightful retail therapy session at the heart of Benidorm’s old town.

Among the must-visit stores is Zara, a large shop with an irresistible pull. Offering men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing at prices cheaper than the UK, Zara presents a selection that ensures you snag bargains distinct from the commonplace.

Be Bop, a destination for fashion enthusiasts, showcases designer brands like Armani and Hugo Boss alongside athletic brands like Nike, New Balance, and Adidas. While prices may be comparable to the UK, the selection leans towards the European taste, offering a unique array.

Bags and Steps, true to its name, is a haven for those looking to treat loved ones with brands like Michael Kors and Karl Lagerfeld. Recently, they’ve expanded to include a small selection of both men’s and women’s clothing.

Lastly, Perfumerías Primor caters to those seeking cosmetic and perfume treasures at highly discounted prices compared to the UK. It’s a perfect stop to indulge and pamper loved ones while on holiday.

Cosmetic store Primor on Calle gambo

Relaxing Spaces and Noteworthy Sights along Calle Gambo

Take a break from the bustling streets of Calle Gambo and discover the relaxing spaces and noteworthy sights that await you. This vibrant street not only offers a shopper’s paradise and delicious dining options but also provides opportunities for leisurely relaxation and exploration.

One such space is the picturesque Plaça Triangular, located at one end of Calle Gambo. This charming area offers a tranquil retreat from the lively atmosphere of the street. Take a seat on one of the benches and soak in the sun while admiring the surrounding historical buildings. It’s the perfect spot to catch your breath and people-watch.

Whether you’re looking for a peaceful oasis or want to admire the beauty of the city, Calle Gambo has it all. So take a moment to relax, soak up the atmosphere, and discover the hidden gems that await you along this enchanting street.

Living Like a Local: Insights from Regulars at Calle Gambo

There’s no better way to truly immerse yourself in the charm of Calle Gambo than by hearing from the locals who frequent this bustling street. We’ve had the pleasure of speaking with some regulars who have shared their insights and experiences, giving us a glimpse into what makes this place so special.

One of the things that stands out to many of the locals is the sense of community on Calle Gambo. People here are friendly and welcoming, creating an atmosphere that makes you feel like you belong. Whether you’re a regular visitor or a first-time tourist, you’ll quickly find yourself chatting with the locals and feeling right at home.

Many regulars also speak about the variety of events and activities that take place on Calle Gambo. From street performers to live music, there’s always something happening to entertain and delight. Whether you’re in the mood for a lively fiesta or a relaxed evening of jazz, Calle Gambo has it all.

Overall, the insights from regulars paint a picture of Calle Gambo as a vibrant and welcoming community that embraces both locals and visitors alike. So, next time you find yourself in Benidorm’s old town, be sure to spend some time on Calle Gambo and experience the warmth and local flair that make it so special.

And before we leave if you are ever on Calle Gambo don’t forget to check out Calle de Sol a little side street with a great deli and a bubble tea shop. Then if you cross Av. de Martinez Alejos you pass 100 Montaditos great place for a drink and snack, Kaffe Klee and the Pig and Whistle.

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