
Located along the Costa Blanca in the eastern Spanish region of Valencia, Benidorm was a quiet fishing village of 2,500 people in the early 20th century. All this changed in 1950 when mayor Pedro Zaragoza Orts was elected, who over the next two decades developed Benidorm into one of Europe’s primary holiday spots. Today, bold, brash and brilliant Benidorm is now famed for housing more foreigners than Spaniards, with British residents and holidaymakers in particular making up a significant portion of the city’s 67,000 inhabitants. With its excellent weather, fine beaches, and wild nightlife, it’s no wonder that Benidorm has become a beloved destination for those seeking fun in the sun.

Benidorm was the first city in Spain to allow bikinis

You can’t help but admire the forward-thinking nature of Benidorm. It’s hard to believe that back in 1953, this sunny Spanish city paved the way for women’s swimwear freedom. Mayor Zaragoza, a true visionary, embarked on a daring journey to Madrid on his trusty Vespa, armed with a mission to convince Franco that bikinis were essential for tourism. And boy, was he right! Thanks to his persuasive skills, Benidorm became a hot destination for German, Swedish, and English tourists who wanted to soak up the sun without any unnecessary clothing restrictions.

Benidorm the most skyscrapers per inhabitant in the world

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I think of skyscrapers, Benidorm isn’t the first place that comes to mind. Move over Dubai, because this little Spanish gem has got it going on! With a whopping 26 buildings over 100 metres tall, it holds the title for the most skyscrapers per inhabitant in the whole wide world. Who would have thought? And get this, the tallest one of them all is the mighty Intempo building, standing tall at a staggering 187 metres. Talk about reaching for the sky! It’s fascinating how back in the 1950s, Benidorm’s urban plan was all like “nah, let’s grow upwards instead of outwards.” Well, they definitely did not disappoint.

There have been hotels in Benidorm for 100 years

Benidorm’s enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal. For over a century, tourists have been drawn to this coastal gem, with its vibrant energy and captivating charm. While the true boom occurred in the 1950s and 60s, the roots of Benidorm’s allure can be traced back even further. In the 1920s, a world-travelling sailor hailing from Benidorm had the vision to open the city’s first hotel, the Hotel Bilbaíno. Then in 1934, the Hotel Marconi followed suit, cementing their place in history as two of Benidorm’s oldest and most beloved establishments that still welcome guests today.

Benidorm is considered to be one of the most sustainable cities in Spain

How can a city known for its bustling nightlife and sun-seeking tourists be sustainable? Well, let me tell you, Benidorm is full of surprises. Despite the crowds and vibrant atmosphere, this city is actually leading the way in sustainability. With its compact size and minimal use of private transport, Benidorm has managed to prioritize pedestrian-friendly travel. Not only does this reduce congestion, but it also maximizes the efficient use of resources like water and electricity. In fact, according to Professor Jorce Olcina, Benidorm boasts an impressive 94% efficiency in water management, making it one of the most environmentally conscious municipalities in Europe. So next time you visit this vibrant coastal gem, take a moment to appreciate its hidden sustainable side.

It’Benidorm has the most tattooed English people after Sheffield and Birmingham

If tattoos are your thing, then Benidorm is definitely the place to be. You wouldn’t expect it, but this Spanish resort has more British people with tattoos than many cities in the UK, except for Sheffield and Birmingham. So if you’re strolling along the beach in Benidorm, keep your eyes peeled and see how many inked individuals you can spot. It’s like a living art gallery right there on the sand!

Benidorm nightclubs are historic

Let me tell you about my unforgettable visit to Benidorm, a city known for its legendary nightlife. One of the highlights was the iconic Penélope nightclub, which opened its doors in 1968. I can still picture their internationally recognized logo – a girl with a hat. Another legendary spot was CAP 3000, a UFO-shaped building that boasted the first laser beam in Spain. During its grand opening, the epic band Led Zeppelin rocked the stage, creating an electric atmosphere that is still talked about to this day.

It was home to the first artificial geyser in Spain

Did you know that back in 1986, this vibrant city was the proud home of Spain’s first artificial geyser? Picture it – water shooting up into the sky, reaching heights of up to 100 metres! But alas, all good things must come to an end. The geyser’s high maintenance costs and the havoc it wreaked on nature and nearby buildings led to its decommissioning in 2014. Farewell, majestic geyser, your legacy lives on in the memories of those lucky enough to witness your watery spectacle.

The Benidorm Cross is meant to protect the city from sin

If you’re a fan of breathtaking views, then La Cruz de Benidorm should definitely be on your bucket list. Perched atop the majestic Sierra Helada mountain, it offers one of the most awe-inspiring viewpoints in the city. Trust me, standing there and taking in the panoramic vista is an experience that will leave you speechless.

You see, back in the day, Benidorm was just a humble fishing village. But oh boy, did it undergo a transformation! The Bishop of Orihuela and Alicante wasn’t too thrilled about this little town turning into Spain’s ‘sin city’. So, to make his disapproval known, he decided to erect a Christian symbol right in the heart of Benidorm. Talk about making a statement!

Back in 1962, there was quite a spat between the mayor and a Catholic leader named Zaragoza. The mayor was threatened with a banner saying “Hell” at the entrance of the town! Can you imagine? But luckily, they settled on installing a “cross of salvation” instead, which still stands proudly above Benidorm today. It’s almost like a reminder that no matter how rowdy things can get in this lively town, God’s got his eye on us all.

Benidorm has its own ‘vampire’ legend

Benidorm’s ‘vampire’ tale is not your typical Dracula story. In fact, it has a chilling twist that could rival any crime thriller. Picture this: mid-1960s, Germany, a highway infamous for three gruesome murders. The prime suspect? Waldemar Wohlfahrt, an apartment owner in none other than Benidorm. Despite spending 25 days in detention in Alicante, the so-called vampire was eventually released when another murder occurred back in Germany while he was behind bars. Talk about a case that keeps you on the edge of your seat!

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