Benidorm, the jewel of the Costa Blanca, is renowned for its golden sandy beaches, lively nightlife, and a calendar filled with exciting festivals and celebrations. Throughout the year, the city comes alive with a multitude of events that showcase the culture, traditions, and vibrant spirit of Benidorm. From religious processions to music festivals, there is something for everyone to enjoy. In this article, we will take a journey through the year, exploring the diverse festivals that make Benidorm a truly unique destination.

January: The 3 Kings Parade – A Majestic Celebration

Kicking off the year in grand fashion, Benidorm embraces the tradition of the 3 Kings Parade on January 5th. This parade, which takes place across Spain, celebrates the arrival of the 3 kings who brought gifts to baby Jesus. The streets come alive with a vibrant procession, filled with colourful floats and enthusiastic participants. Families gather to witness this spectacle, making it a cherished event that rivals Christmas Day itself. The evening culminates in a breathtaking fireworks display, lighting up the sky and creating a magical atmosphere.

February: Carnival – A Burst of Colour and Joy

While Rio de Janeiro may be the epitome of Carnival, Benidorm holds its own version of this vibrant festival. The exact date of Benidorm’s Carnival varies each year, as it is determined by the timing of Easter. Typically, the festivities begin on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday, with a massive parade showcasing elaborate costumes, pulsating music, and energetic dancers. The streets of Benidorm become a feast for the senses, as locals and tourists come together to revel in the joyous atmosphere. Shrove Tuesday marks the symbolic “Burial of the Sardine,” where a procession heads to the beach to bid farewell to the carnival season.

March: Fallas – A Spectacle of Fire and Tradition

In mid-March, Benidorm finds itself ablaze with the celebration of Fallas. This traditional Valencian festival pays homage to Saint Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. The city becomes a canvas for artistic expression, as intricate effigies known as “Ninots” are built throughout Benidorm. These sculptures, made of cardboard and wood, are displayed proudly until the night of March 19th, when they are set ablaze in a spectacular display of fire and light. The festivities also include processions, street entertainment, fireworks, and live music, creating an unforgettable experience for all who participate.

April: Easter – A Week of Reflection and Devotion

As Spain marks its Catholic faith, Benidorm joins in the observance of Semana Santa, or Holy Week, in the week leading up to Easter. Penance processions wind their way through the city streets, reenacting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. These solemn processions are an opportunity for reflection and devotion, as locals and visitors witness the profound religious customs. Benidorm’s mild climate makes it an ideal destination for combining religious observances with a relaxing beach getaway, as visitors from across the globe take advantage of the Easter break.

Easter is also the time of Semana Santa, which is a very sombre and quite strange festival, not so much a party time more a reflection. There are processions, carrying The Virgin Mary through the streets dressed in what can only be described as KKK outfits, apparently these of traditional attire worn as penance dating back to the 1500’s

May: The May Cross – A Festive Display of Tradition

In early May, Benidorm comes alive with the celebration of the May Cross Fiesta. This vibrant event sees different districts of the city adorned with beautifully decorated crosses and flowers. The streets are filled with parades, showcasing the creativity and devotion of the local community. It is a day of celebration, where residents and tourists alike come together to appreciate the beauty of the floral displays and immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere. The May Cross Fiesta is a true testament to the rich cultural heritage of Benidorm.

June: Corpus Christi – A Moving Feast

The movable feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated in Benidorm, as Spain embraces its Christian heritage. This religious event takes place in June and is marked by colourful processions, featuring people and horses parading through the streets. Fairgrounds, lively celebrations, and vibrant displays of devotion create an enchanting ambience throughout the city. The festivities continue long into the night, as locals and visitors revel in the spirit of Corpus Christi.

July: San Fermin Fiesta – A Touch of Pamplona in Benidorm

On July 6th and 7th, Benidorm pays homage to the famous running of the bulls in Pamplona with its own unique celebration of San Fermin. While there are no actual bulls charging through the streets, the spirit of the event is captured as men don the traditional white and red attire, celebrating with local delicacies and drinks on Levante Beach. The festive atmosphere is contagious, and visitors can immerse themselves in the joyous spirit of this historic event.

July: Virgen Carmen Fiesta – Honoring the Sea and its Protectors

The Virgen Carmen Fiesta, celebrated on July 16th, is a poignant tribute to those who have lost their lives at sea. The festivities take place in Benidorm Port, where beautifully crafted floral arrangements are taken out to sea on small fishing boats. These flowers are scattered across the water, symbolizing respect and remembrance for those who have perished at sea. It is a moving and heartfelt event, where the community comes together to honor the sea and its protectors.

July: St. Jaime Fiesta – A Double Celebration

July 25th marks a double celebration in Benidorm. It is both the day when the city honours its patron saint, St. Jaime, and a day to pay tribute to the Spanish military. The streets come alive with the sight of men and women in military uniform marching through the town. Naval ships in the port add to the grandeur of the occasion, as the crew joins in the festivities. The city shows its respect in the most boisterous way possible, with cannons fired from the town hall, creating a noisy and vibrant atmosphere.

Late July/Early August: Low Festival – A Rock and Indie Extravaganza

For three days in late July or early August, Benidorm transforms into a rock and indie hotspot with the Low Festival. Music fans from around the world flock to the city to enjoy live performances by renowned artists on colossal stages. The festival showcases the diversity and talent of the genre, creating an unforgettable experience for attendees. Benidorm’s vibrant energy and stunning backdrop provide the perfect setting for this musical extravaganza.

August: A Month of Cultural Delights

August in Benidorm is a time for cultural and artistic events, with an incredible array of concerts, ballet performances, opera shows, and theatre productions taking place throughout the month. The Aiguera Park auditoriums come alive with music and performances, attracting visitors from far and wide. Whether it’s ballet under the stars or captivating theatre production, the month of August offers a plethora of cultural delights for all to enjoy.

September: Benidorm Pride – Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

Early September brings forth Benidorm Pride, a week-long celebration of LGBTQ+ culture and diversity. Benidorm has long been a welcoming destination for LGBTQ+ travellers, and during Pride, the city embraces its gay community with open arms. The streets come alive with colourful parades, singing, dancing, and a riotous explosion of joy and excitement. Benidorm Pride is a testament to the city’s commitment to inclusivity and the celebration of love in all its forms.

Late September/Early October: Moors and Christians Fiesta – Reliving History

The Moors and Christians Fiesta, held in late September or early October, is a historical reenactment of the battles between the Moors and Christians in Spain’s past. This elaborate festival takes place in various towns, including Benidorm, and features participants dressed in magnificent costumes from medieval times. The festival is a theatrical performance, complete with live orchestras, dramatic battles, and processions. Visitors are transported back in time as they witness this vibrant celebration of Spain’s rich history.

November: Benidorm Fiesta – A Grand Celebration

Mid-November marks the pinnacle of Benidorm’s celebration with the Benidorm Fiesta, the city’s largest and most significant event. Lasting for six days, the fiesta honours the patron saint of Benidorm, St. Jaime, and the Virgin of Suffering. The streets come alive with a myriad of activities, including football matches, fishing competitions, live music performances, processions, parades, and parties. The grand finale is a breathtaking fireworks display on the beach, illuminating the night sky and signalling the end of the festivities.

November: Fancy Dress Party – Europe’s Largest Carnival

Directly following the Benidorm Fiesta, the city hosts the largest fancy dress party in Europe. On the day after the fiesta, the streets of Benidorm become a riot of colour and creativity as people from all over Europe don elaborate costumes. Superheroes, cartoons, and colourful characters fill the streets, creating a surreal and fantastical atmosphere. The Fancy Dress Party is a testament to the vibrant and inclusive spirit of Benidorm, where everyone is encouraged to let their imagination run wild.

December: Christmas – A Magical Celebration

In December, Benidorm embraces the festive spirit with a range of Christmas events and activities. From the announcement by the town crier in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento to the arrival of the Three Kings on January 5th, the city is filled with the joy and magic of the holiday season. Christmas markets, ice skating rinks, and concerts add to the festive atmosphere, creating a truly memorable experience for visitors.

In conclusion, Benidorm is a city that knows how to celebrate. From the vibrant parades and processions to the electrifying music festivals, there is never a dull moment in this lively destination. Whether you visit in January or December, there is always a festival or celebration to experience in Benidorm. So, immerse yourself in the vibrant spirit of this coastal paradise and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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